Conditions and safety

It is important to Fenstr that you can visit this website safely and that your privacy is ensured. Here you will find all the information about security and privacy.


We consider the protection of your personal data of great importance. As a data controller in the sense of the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG) Fenstr (hereafter Fenstr/we/our) handles your personal data in a careful and secure way. This means, among other things, that we;
  • inform you in which cases we collect personal data, what personal data they are and on the basis of which purposes and principles we process personal data;
  • inform you of the retention periods and of the categories of recipients of your personal data;
  • take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data and also require this of parties who process personal data on our behalf. We will therefore also inform you about the way in which we protect your personal data.;
  • respect your rights to, for example, make your personal data available for inspection, correction or deletion at your request, etc..
This privacy statement was last updated: 6-12-2021.

In what cases do we collect personal data?

We collect your personal data in the following cases;
  • Personal data is collected during your visit to our websites, when you browse our websites on various devices such as a computer, smartphone, or a tablet.;
  • If you leave your details on our websites (e.g. via a contact form or e-mail);
  • When you approach us with questions and/or complaints by post, e-mail or telephone. In that case, we will contact you to handle the question or complaint.;
  • If you apply for a position;

What personal data do we collect? 

Depending on the purpose for which the personal data is collected, we use the following personal data;

As a website visitor, we will keep the following data of you;
-Your surfing behaviour on the website, including mouse and click behaviour and the duration and time of your visit to our website;
-Technical data of the equipment you use (e.g. your smartphone/laptop/tablet or a kiosk/pc from the shop), such as IP address, MAC address and the software used;

If you apply for a job, we will keep the following data about you;
  • Contact details (name and address, e-mail address, telephone number)
  • Birth data, gender;
  • Personal data as provided in the CV; 
  • Passport photograph (if added to the CV);
  • Availability data;

Principles of processing

We may only use your data for purposes that have a legal basis. We process your personal data on one or more of the following bases;
  • For the completion of a contract; 
  • To fulfil a legal obligation;

Retention periods

In order to fulfil your request and pursuant to the agreement, it is necessary that you provide us with the above data. We will not keep this data longer than necessary to fulfil the purposes described in this privacy statement for which the personal data was obtained. Personal data will be deleted depending on the category of personal data and the legal obligations Fenstr has;
  • We delete application data no later than six months after the application process. This is because you may apply for more than one vacancy. It is necessary for us to have access to your data during the application period. This enables us to keep better track of which vacancies you have or have not been invited for, so that we can correctly follow up and handle the application process; 
  • Data for analysis purposes will be kept for a maximum of twenty-six months.

Security of your data

We have implemented the necessary security measures to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of information that we receive on our sites. When we transfer or receive your data on our websites, we always use the coding technologies which are recognised as common standards within the IT sector. When transmitting your order data (e.g. address, article etc.) all data entered by you are automatically encrypted by the SSL technology. 

Your rights

We respect your right to access and correct your data, to request its deletion and to request the restriction of our use of your personal data. Therefore, you also have a number of rights with regard to your data;

-The right of access including profiling: You have the right to know what personal data we are processing about you and to have access to that personal data. In addition, you have the right to obtain information on the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling;

-The right of rectification: If your personal data is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to ask us to update and complete it;

-The right to erasure of your data ("right of oblivion"): You can also ask us to delete or limit the use of your personal data. Please note that this right is governed by applicable law and may affect access to some of our services;

-Right to restriction of processing: In certain cases, you have the right to obtain from us a restriction on the processing of your personal data;

-The right to object: Depending on the specific situation and personal data being processed, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, including profiling; 

-Right of transferability: You have the right to obtain your personal data from us (in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format), and you have the right to transfer that personal data to another controller;

Withdrawal of consent

If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.


You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, such as the Dutch Data Protection Authority, if you believe that the processing of your personal data is in breach of the regulations.

To exercise any of the above rights, please contact us and submit your request via the contact form. After submitting your request, we will send you a message at the e-mail address we have on record asking you to verify your request. Within one month after receipt of your request, we will inform you by e-mail about your request. To prevent abuse, we may ask you to identify yourself adequately, for example by sending a copy of a valid identification document. 


If you are 16 years old or younger, you may only use our website under the supervision of your parents or legal representatives.

Third party websites

This declaration does not apply to third party websites that are linked to our website. We cannot guarantee that these websites handle your personal data in a reliable or safe manner. Always read the privacy statement of the website in question before using it, to be sure that they handle your data properly.

Changes to this Privacy Statement

We may change this privacy statement from time to time. Amendments will be published on our website. It is therefore advisable to consult this privacy statement regularly, so that you are aware of any changes. 

Contact details and right to complain

Naturally, we will be pleased to help you if you have any questions and/or complaints about the processing of your personal data. To do so, please use the contact form. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Personal Data Authority against the processing of your personal data. You can contact the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data.

Cookie policy

Use of cookies

When you use Fenstr's services and/or website, it places cookies. On this page you can read more about what cookies are, what cookies Fenstr specifically places and what choices you have.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is placed on or read off your computer, tablet or smartphone when you visit a website. Via this text file, data, sometimes personal data, are stored or consulted.

Type of cookies

Fenstr's website uses cookies in the following categories:

Technically necessary cookies

These cookies are necessary to enable the technical functioning of our website or webshop.

Functional Cookies

These cookies are used to provide functionality to enhance the user experience on the Fenstr website, including the ability to store preferences (such as preferred language) for future visits..

Analytical cookies

These cookies are used to analyze how visitors use our websites. Fenstr can use these analyses to make improvements and thus increase the user-friendliness of the websites.Delete or disable cookies? HYou are free to disable cookies via your browser (see link below). Please note, however, that it is possible that our website will no longer function optimally. The way to disable these cookies differs per browser and can be found here:

This Cookie Statement was last updated on 6-12-2021.
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